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Home > EU approves funds for LNG bunkering infrastructure in Baltic Sea


EU approves funds for LNG bunkering infrastructure in Baltic Sea

April 8, 2016. The Baltic Ports Organization (BPO) has announced that it has received approval from the European Union's Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) Seed Money Facility, as well as a €46,140 (USD 52,547) grant from the EU, for its Green InfraPort project, which will see the development of liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunkering infrastructure and scrubber waste reception facilities at Baltic ports.

   The Green InfraPort initiative is also said to be intended to address shore power infrastructure, energy efficiency in port areas, alternative fuels for terminal vehicles, and sewage from passenger ships.

   "Baltic ports have always been front runners when it comes to environmental initiatives. This project is another example of pro-active approach in the area of environmental management and investments in ports," said Bogdan Oldakowski, BPO's Secretary General.

   The project comes at a time Baltic ports need to adjust to operating under a new legal framework for environmental regulations, including Emission Control Areas (ECAs), and dealing with new challenges such as the need to process scrubber waste water.

   The project is set to be officially started this month, with project completion expected for the end of March 2017.


(Quoted from:www.gnvmagazine.com